Alcohol Awareness Week


ANGUILLA — This week 19th – 23rd October, 2015 the Royal Anguilla Police Force, Community Relations Department in collaboration with the Education Department’s, School Drug Counselor Mr. Iain Bibby will be hosting Alcohol Awareness Week.

The purpose of the week is geared at the educating of owners of supermarkets, restaurants, bars and food vans as to the health effects of alcohol consumption by minors (18 years and under).  The week will also be used to highlight the legal implications of providing and or selling alcohol to minors by individuals and or business owner.

“It has become increasingly apparent during classroom discussions and one on one counseling that it is very easy for minors to obtain alcohol in Anguilla”, said Iain Bibby, the Schools Drug Counselor.  “This is why we are visiting business establishment which sell alcohol to remind them of their responsibility in ensuring that minors are not able to obtain alcohol at their establishments”.

The activities for the week includes: placing posters at various supermarkets, restaurants, bars and other such business and the handing out of leaflets with information on the laws and penalties as well as the effects of drugs on the body.  The group will also be engaged in several radio interviews during the week.

The section of law and penalty is Anguilla Liquor License Act Ch L75 (s) 27 of the Revised Statutes of Anguilla with penalty of EC $9600.00.
The person’s in the photo are Mr. Iain Bibby,  PC Shawn Lake, WPC Augustina Carbon and PC Kerry Sylvester.