Prison time for belligerent young extortionist


By The Today Newspaper

GREAT BAY – Reini Etaling Dutreuil, a 20-year old who infamously thumped a witness in court in his face and later made overt threats to his former lawyer Geert Hatzmann, received a prison sentence of 36 months in the Court in First Instance yesterday. Of this sentence, 6 months are conditional and Dutreuil is placed under supervision of the rehabilitation bureau.

The verdict is mild compared to the 7 years of imprisonment the prosecution demanded at the trial on August 12.

A second suspect, Janssel Manuel Haddocks went back to Pointe Blanche with a 3-year sentence to his name. The lightest sentence in this case was for Melvin Nolasco Marlin – 18 months conditional and 240 hours of community service. If Marlin (27) does not do the community service he risks going to jail for 120 days.

The court set the probation period for all three defendants at 3 years.

On January 27, the three defendants encountered a tourist in Simpson Bay whose car had a flat battery. Instead of helping the stranded motorist, forced him to hand over his money – all of $160 – several tablets and a laptop.

The court considers Haddocks, who is23, as the driving force behind the extortion. “He surrounded the victim with two others and intimidated him. That created such a threatening situation that the victim handed over all his money,” the court notes in its ruling.

The court furthermore notes that Haddocks was carrying a firearm-like object on the public road.