Business Opportunity Starting October 12th 2015 in the St. Maarten Festival Village

Booth holder Orlando Vanterpool says he is almost ready for one and all at his booth for Carnival 2015.

“Information session this Wednesday evening at Festival Village”

POND ISLAND, Sint Maarten — A small business weekday entrepreneurship program is being initiated by Stichting Overheidsgebouwen (SOG) and is schedule to start on October 12th 2015.

This weekday program is aimed to stimulate entrepreneurship and more usage of the Festival Village while offering vendors the opportunity for selling of drinks, foods, arts & craft etc.

The vendors in this program will be allowed to have booths, tents or tables for vending.

SOG who manages the venue would like to encourage persons within our community to get involved in the weekday program from Mondays to Thursdays from 10AM – 5PM and on Fridays from 10 AM – 1 AM.

Every last weekend of each month on Friday, Saturday and Sunday the village will be open from 10 AM – 1 AM serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner with entertainment.

There will not be no entrance fee charged to enter the Festival Village and the entire population is urged to get involved by visiting & supporting our local vendors.

The management of the Festival Village is urging small entrepreneurs to take advantage and register for this opportunity for vending of food, drinks, arts & crafts etc. during this weekday program.

Registration forms can be picked up at SOG office at the Festival Village on weekdays between the hours of 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Call 5430506 for more information on the weekday program.

Interested persons are invited to attend an information session this Wednesday, September 23rd 2015 at 6:30pm in the conference room of the Festival Village, where more information will be shared.

Be a part of this program and the opportunity that it offers with great business perspectives of being your own boss.