Acting Minister of VROMI Gumbs invites residents of Middle Region to Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday night

Prime Minister of St Maarten Marcel Gumbs and Minister of Finance Martin Hassink . 721NEWS / Gromyko Wilson

PHILIPSBURG. Sint Maarten – Prime Minister/Acting Minister of the Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Marcel Gumbs is inviting the residents of Middle Region to a town hall meeting on Wednesday, August 19 regarding sewage connections.

Several notices have been placed in the Government Information Page already appealing to residents to attend this very important meeting.

The town hall meeting is about the sewage project in Middle Region where the various homes will be connected to the sewage system of the Government.  Residents have an opportunity to receive information and to also ask questions.

The town hall meeting will take place at the Sister Marie Lawrence School in Middle Region starting at 7.00pm.

The Middle Region Sewage project has as the objective to improve the living conditions of residents and at the same time remove several forms of pollutants that run in different parts of the district.