Public Ministry of Health Vaccination Open House a Success with 127 Children in Attendance and 80 vaccines administered   


GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – Section Youth Health Care, within the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, has termed its annual Vaccination Open House held on May 16 a huge success.  The open house was held under the banner of the 13th Vaccination Week in the Americas (VWA).

During the open house activity children between the ages of two months and 17 years could receive their vaccinations or update their vaccination records or receive information on vaccinations.

In total 127 children visited the outreach event to update their vaccination status. A total of 64 children received vaccinations, a total amount of 80 doses of vaccines were administered during the event.

For children aged zero to four years of age 17 clients was seen, compared to 29 clients during last year’s outreach in June 2014. Five clients were up to date already; the other 12 clients received a total of 22 doses of vaccines, compared to 42 doses of vaccine last year.

For the children aged four and older there were 110 clients, compared to 66 clients at the outreach in June 2014. Almost half of the children were already up to date.  52 children received vaccinations, 51 children were already up to date.

Some clients didn’t have any information or their information needed to be translated. 15 children still need follow up after the event to complete their vaccination series or to update their information.

The national immunization program of Sint Maarten protects against the following vaccine preventable diseases: Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping cough (also called Pertussis), Polio, Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib), Hepatitis B, Pneumococcal disease, Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Human Papilloma Virus infections (to protect against cervical cancer).

Regionally the VWA was celebrated from April 25th to May 2nd 2015. The regional slogan for VWA 2015 is “Boost your power! Get vaccinated!”

Boost your power is linked to the super hero theme that was also presented in the posters distributed among the countries of the region and that were distributed to the schools, pharmacies, SZV and doctor offices in Sint Maarten by the team of CPS.

VWA is an extraordinary effort led by the countries and territories of the Americas to advance equity and access to vaccination. Vaccination Week in the Americas also provides a highly visible platform to raise population awareness regarding the importance of immunization and to keep vaccines on the forefront of political agendas.

Vaccines boost the power of your immune system and fight off vaccine preventable diseases. Vaccines work by mimicking disease agents and stimulating the immune system to build up defenses against them; they prepare your body to fight off disease when exposed to full strength pathogens in the future.

At the open house there also was a bouncing castle, popcorn, fruits, water, and a super hero and balloon molders visited the event to entertain the children. CPS would like to thank all the parents and children for their support and for their participation in this event.

The Vaccination Open House took place at Youth Health Care by the Ministry of Public Health at the Vineyard Office Park in Philipsburg at W.G. Buncamper Road #33.

PHOTO:  A baby receiving a vaccination at the Open House. (DCOMM Photo)