Sint Maarten Celebrates Women`s Football Day with five vs. five tournaments on Saturday, May 23


The Sint Maarten Soccer Association congratulates all female players with progress they have achieved

Cayhill– The Sint Maarten Soccer Association participated on Saturday 23 May in CONCACAF’s Women’s Football Day initiative. A five vs. five tournament was held at the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex and was open to girls age 6 to 18 years old. Designed to empower all CONCACAF Member Associations to join forces for an annual day of celebration of women’s football, the initiative is the first of its kind for the confederation and focuses on accomplishing the following goals:

  • Generate awareness about the transformative power of women’s football

  • Promote and encourage continued investment in women’s football

  • Unite every Member Association in creating a memorable day of women’s football

This is the first project for the Sint Maarten Soccer Association since installing the new board on May 16th. The Sint Maarten Soccer Association would like to thank all female soccer players and volunteers that participated in such an important and historic event.