Police Department is making the following announcement


P O L I C E   R E P O R T

In connection with the transit stop of French President Françoise Hollande which is scheduled for Friday May 8th the Police Department is making the following announcement.

  • From 08:25 p.m. traffic from Philipsburg would not be able to reach Cole bay via A.J.C. Brouwers rd and the Arlette Peterson rd. All drivers are urged to reach their destination before road closures. After 09:10 p.m. roads will reopen.
  • From 08:25 traffic from Low Lands/Mullet bay/Beacon Hill can reach up to Maho round a bout. All road usere are urged to reach their destination before road closures. After 09:10 p.m. roads will reopen.
  • From 08:25 p.m. to 08:40 p.m. traffic leaving the PJIA can only go in the direction of Low Lands. Road is closed from 08:40 p.m.
  • From 08:25 p.m. traffic on the Union rd approaching Kruythoff round a bout can only go up the A.J.C. Brouwers road towards Cul-de-Sac and Belair areas. No traffic will be allowed towards the airport.
  • From 08:25 p.m. traffic on the Welfare rd approaching Kruythoff round a bout can only go up the A.J.C. Brouwers rd. No traffic will be allowed towards the airport.
  • From 08:25 p.m. traffic coming from the French side (Belle View) approaching east side round a bout can only go via Causeway to Maho.
  • From 08:35 p.m. the following roads will be closed: The exit of Port de Plaisance-Narrow dr-Well rd-Orange grove rd-Cashew tree dr/Windsor rd-Cay bay rd-Simpson bay rd-Sister Modesta rd-Sister Regina rd-Sister Patiencia rd
  • From 08:25 p.m. traffic on the Airport blvd approaching West side round a bout can only go to Simpson Bay.

After the departure of the president all roads will be reopened. All drivers are urged to take good note of these traffic measures to avoid any unnecessary delays or inconvenience