Inter School Swim Meet 2024



The annual Inter Elementary and High school Swim Meet, that was held on March 10 was organized by SMAF (St. Maarten Aquatic Federation), CST (Carib Swim Team) and Caribbean Gems. Both SMAF and CST would like to thank our sponsor Caribbean Gems for assisting us in organizing yet another exciting and eventful elementary and high school interschool swim meet.   

The bleachers at the Carib swim pool were filled with swimmers, coaches, school staff, parents and other supporters who came out to cheer on or support their school’s swim team. The spectators displayed school spirit and comradery during each of the swim meets. The elementary swim meet was held in the morning hours and 6 schools participated in this meet.   The overall placement was as follows: Learning Unlimited received the 1st place trophy, CIA/Montessori received the 2nd place trophy, and St. Dominic Primary received the 3rdplace trophy. In addition, Sr. Regina school placed 4th, the 5th place went to Browlia F. Maillard Campus and 6th place went to the Sr. Marie Laurence school. The school who received the trophy for showing the most school spirit during the swim meet was the Sr. Regina School.

The High school Swim Meet was held in the afternoon and 9 schools took part in this meet. The overall placement was as follows:  Milton Peters College received the 1st place trophy, St. Dominic High school received the 2nd place trophy, and CIA received the 3rd place trophy.  In addition, Learning Unlimited placed 4th, the 5th place went to College Lycee Victor Hugo (French school), Home school placed 6th, the 7th place went to CBA (Charlotte Brookson Academy), the 8th place went to St. Maarten Academy and the 9th place went to St. Maarten Vocational School. The school who received the trophy for showing the most school spirit during the swim meet was the Milton Peters College.

The St. Maarten Aquatic Federation would like to thank our sponsor Caribbean Gems for their unwavering support over the years by providing sponsorship for the medals, trophies, certificates, and the use of the pool. Caribbean Gems has also pledged to continue to sponsor the Interschool swim meets in the coming years. They have realized the excitement it brings to the students who do not normally get the opportunity to take part in swimming competitions. This event brings students from the various schools together.

  SMAF would also like to thank CST for providing the technical support needed to run the swim meets, The Red Cross, the volunteers, the board members of SMAF and the SMAF’s president Mr. Dwight Vermeer for providing a live stream of both swim meets.  This live stream can be found on our FACEBOOK page (St. Maarten Aquatic Federation). 

We also wish to thank all the schools that participated in the 2024 Interschool swim meets. Your participation made this event a success and we wish to see the schools participate again in the 2025 Elementary and High School Interschool Swim Meets.