Traffic accidents with injuries



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Police have dealt with several vehicle collisions in the last week whereby several people were injured.

About 4 p.m. on Friday, November 25, 2022, Central Dispatch received several calls regarding a vehicle accident in Dawn Beach in which two tourists were seriously injured.

A number of police patrol and ambulance personnel were dispatched to the scene. Once there, the patrol encountered the two female victims on the ground who were complaining of pain over their heads and lower body.

According to the preliminary investigation, it appeared the two victims were attempting to ride up the hill on the Melford Hazel Road in dawn beach on a Quad.

At some point the driver lost control of the Quad and began to skid proceeded on the other side of the road and crashed into a steel pipe. As a result, both driver and fellow passenger sustained serious injuries.

They were administered first aid at the scene by the ambulance personnel and shortly thereafter rushed to the St. Maarten Medical center (SMMC) for further treatment. Their injuries were not life threatening.

Patrons should be aware that Quads (ATVs) can be unstable and hard to control, particularly at high speeds. Rollovers and collisions happens, and some of these can be fatal. Injuries from riding ATVs are common too and can mean an emergency-room visit.


Motorcycle accident in sucker garden

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Police Traffic Department are also investigating a traffic accident in which a motorcyclist crashed into a car on the Sucker garden road.

At approximately 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2022, the Cetrral Dispatch received a call about a traffic accident that took place on Sucker Garden road in which a motorcyclist was injured.

According to the preliminary investigation it appears that the driver of the motorcycle was driving on the Sucker Garden road overtaking a line of vehicles on the left side coming from the direction of Arch road and going in the direction of Pin Cushion cactus road.

Simultaneously, the driver of a blue Kia who was also going in the same direction, attemted to make a left turn resulting in a traffic accident.

The driver was injured and was later transported by private vehicle to the St. Maarten Medical Center.