Successful Saba Health Fair 2022



SABA — On Saturday morning April 9, the community attended the Saba Health Fair 2022. The organization of the Health Fair was a collaboration between Saba Cares, the Public Health Department, Saba Pharmacy, volunteer students of Saba University School of Medicine (SUSOM), Body, Mind & Spirit (BMS) and Gezondheid Farms.

The Health Fair was organized in connection with World Health Day and was officially opened by Commissioner Rolando Wilson. It was a public event where the community could come to receive information on many different topics that ensure a healthy lifestyle.
The Health Fair consisted of a setup of different booths with folders, flyers, brochures to provide health information and service to the community. Information that was provided at the booths included: healthy nutrition, physical exercise, sexual health, avoiding substance abuse, Saba Cares health projects, Saba Pharmacy information, BMS information, Gezondheid farms information and produce. There were also free medical tests such as heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar testing to give the community an overview on their general health.

Bizzy B run
The goal of the fair was to give the community an overall health experience to motivate and stimulate more knowledge and awareness for living a healthier life. The event was an overall success. A large number of people visited the various booths, many after having run or walked the Bizzy B 5K event.

The annual fair in front of the Government Administration Building in The Bottom was held right after the Bizz B 5K run, which enabled spectators and participants of this popular sports activity to enjoy two events on the same morning.

The Health Fair fits in the ambition of the Public Entity Saba to promote a healthy lifestyle. “On Saba, we have embarked on a journey to try our utmost best to create a healthy community,” said Commissioner Wilson in his opening remarks.

“We do so by encouraging and aiding in healthy school programs, healthy organization plans and multiple fitness arenas such as Fun Free Fitness, Fit with Lee, S’mikes Gym, the Bizzy B 5K, different medical screenings at Saba Cares, and today with a health fair such as this one where persons can receive health information, basic health checks and partake in different activities,” said Wilson.

According to Wilson, a healthy person is an asset to him/herself, his/her community and his/her family. “Health is the most important wealth that we have. Health is the only wealth we are born with. It is one of the greatest blessings that we have and should not take for granted. Make a healthy lifestyle a priority,” he said.

“Healthy lifestyle is built on the pillars of good diet, frequent exercise and good sleep. A healthy lifestyle keeps people in good shape, it also gives you more energy throughout the day to execute your regular tasks and lowers your chance of chronic diseases,” Wilson said.