PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — NV GEBE announced the launch of its yearly Senior Citizens temporarily relief 62+ program to assist seniors with their monthly utility bills.  Registration will commence on February 1, 2021.  This program which started in 2014 is geared towards certain eligible Senior Citizens and its aim is to reduce the electricity costs for those individuals that qualify for this program.  “A lot of people are struggling because of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Dr. Sharine Daniel, Interim Manager of NV GEBE, “and our seniors are an especially vulnerable group we are pleased to at least be able to provide some financial relief”.

NV GEBE stated that senior citizens eligible for this program must apply and meet certain criteria in order to qualify, NV GEBE added that even the seniors who were previously apart of the program must reapply and meet the criteria.

The relief granted will be in the form of a monthly fixed amount to be deducted from the electricity invoice.   Applications will be available as of Tuesday, January 26, 2021, and will only be available for three weeks.  Deadline for registering is set for February 19, 2021, application received after this date will not be accepted.  The program will run for a year after which reapplication and/ or re-assessment will be necessary.   Applicants must be 62 years of age or older at the time of applying, legally residing on the Dutch side of the island and, must be a GEBE client with contract in his or her name.

The registration form for the senior citizen relief program can be picked up at the receptionist desk in Philipsburg at the Main office or at the Simpson Bay Branch office. After the form has been completed together with the necessary original documents, said documentation can be submitted at the Customer Care located at the Main office building in Philipsburg and Branch Office in Simpson Bay.

Please bear in mind in order to qualify for the relief program, all documents must be submitted and the client must be in good standing with N.V GEBE. Management of N.V GEBE reserves the right to accept or decline any relief request at their discretion. This Senior Relief program will be transparent and everyone will be treated in a fair manner, once they are able to prove compliance with the mentioned criteria’s.