TEATT Minister announces returning to normal in a responsible manner



Philipsburg, Sint Maarten — The regulations set down in the Ministerial Decree restricting business hours are slowly being relaxed. As of November 1st, casinos are allowed to be open until 2:00 AM. All other businesses are still required to close at 12:00 AM.

Minister De Weever will gradually extend business hours of operation in the same phased approach as was done in August and September. The intention is to do so safely and to be able to reverse the decision should the trend change. The ministerial decree regulating businesses to close at 12:00 AM overrides all license conditions because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I cannot jeopardize our high season because of a premature opening, especially at a time when other parts of the world are shutting down for a second time. We cannot ignore the strong correlation between the regulations on businesses and certain activities with the lower number of active cases.

The downward trend was undeniable after the regulations were put in place. Nonetheless, our people and our economy need a chance to be ready for the upcoming season,” Minister De Weever said.

The Ministry of TEATT will be allowing all businesses to reopen during their regular operating hours. However, this will be done in a responsible and structured manner.

Minister De Weever stated that the proper procedures should be followed, and that license holders should continue to cooperate with the conditions of their license and the ministerial decree regulating closing times. Failure to do so will lead to the immediate revocation of the license.