Police report: Joint general control and more news

El vocero policial inspector jefe Ricardo Henson.

Joint general control

As promised the French Traffic Authorities and Police Department held a joint traffic control on Wednesday May 24th between 04.00 p.m. and 06.00 p.m. The location of this control was at the round about on Union Road- Cause Way Bridge and the border at Bell view. During this traffic control a total of 48 vehicles were checked and a total of 16 fines were issued to drivers that were not in compliance with the traffic laws. This joint control was one of the many others that are planned for this year. ( See pics attached)

Joint general control

On Friday May 26th at approximately 09.35 p.m. a police patrol and paramedics were sent to Delta Mart Gas Station in Dutch Quarter to investigate a case involving a man that was leaning against the wall of the building and was bleeding. On the scene the patrol and paramedics encountered the victim who after been checked by paramedics seemed to have suffered tow stab wounds to his back from which he was bleeding. The victim was treated on the scene and then taken to the Sint Maarten Medical Center for further treatment. The victim was not in condition to give any statement at the time.

Detectives and Forensic Department were called in and are presently investigating this case to determine who is responsible for this stabbing and why.

Police Chief attends ACCP 32nd AGM and CONFERENCE

The Sint Maarten Police Chief Carl John attended the 32nd Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police (ACCP) Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Conference which was held on the island of Aruba from May 1st through May 4th 2017. This annual meeting and conference was represented by numerous commissioners of police within the Caribbean region.

The Mission of the ACCP is to be the regional organization for promoting and facilitating:

  1. collaboration and co-operation in the development and implementation

of policing strategies, systems and procedures in the region;

  1. the professional and technical skills development of police officers

throughout the region; and,

  1. proactive measures to prevent crime and improve police community


During this conference many topics regarding law enforcement and crime in general were discussed. The crime rate among the islands in the Caribbean was among others one of the main topics discussed. The crime rate on Sint Maarten, statistically, compared to many other countries within the Caribbean region is relatively low. This is something that the community of Sint Maarten should be very proud of. At the same time they should continue to exercise their civil duty in continuing to cooperate and assist the law enforcement authorities in the battle against crime and other criminal activity throughout the country.

A noticeable difference with crime committed on the island is that the intensity of violence used during these criminal offences has increased. This is unfortunate nevertheless this situation has the fullest attention of the police chief who has ordered plans of actions to be drafted on how, together with cooperation and collaboration of external partners, tackle and deal with this situation.

In the meanwhile the police department continues to exchange information with other stakeholders and external partners, with the intention on improving and enhancing these working relations and in doing so create a safer Sint Maarten. As part of the crime prevention efforts the police department has been providing a Robbery Awareness Trainings and presentations in CEPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design). The police have also entered the schools introducing the TAPS (Teen And Police Services Academy) and Cops and Kids programs.

Terrorism was also one of the topics on the program that was discussed. Terrorism is a global threat and the exchange and sharing of information, mainly among the island in the Caribbean, is definitely one of the most important means of combating this criminal act.

The ACCP 2017 Annual General Meeting and Conference is deemed as a very informative and successful one. (See pics attached)

 Fire destroys home completely

Several police patrols and Fire Department were sent to Elder Drive 7-B in Cape Bay on Saturday May 27th at approximately 08.45 p.m. in connection with a home that was on fire. On the scene it was clear to see that the fire was quite large and it had spread throughout the entire structure. This building was divided into three parts and was occupied by a couple and two other persons. This large fire caught a lot of public attention. The fire department brought the blaze under control shortly after nevertheless the building was totally destroyed by the fire. The fire also caused minor structural damage to the building next door and two vehicles that were parked. One of these vehicles was TAXI-97 which was completely destroyed. Luckily there were no injuries. What was the cause of the fire is unknown.