VLF’s Leadership Workshop with Nelson Els leaves lasting impact



CAY HILL – On Saturday, March 4, the Asha Stevens Hillside Christian School in Cay Hill came alive with 65 leaders and aspiring leaders ranging from 13 to 70 years, who eagerly and thankfully digested the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, by John Maxwell, facilitated by certified John Maxwell Coach Nelson Els.

Victorious Living Foundation (VLF), who hosted this transformational leadership workshop and mastermind, is pleased with the growing interest among the St. Maarten populace to increase their leadership capacity. Although 65 persons were in attendance, 77 persons registered for the event.

From observations and invited comments, each attendee shared how tremendous the workshop was and how it impacted their lives positively. One attendee, who came to the workshop from Antigua, was excited about the wisdom nuggets she received that have propelled her to be even more passionate about her pre-school. Moreover, the setting of the workshop at the Asha Stevens Hillside Christian School in Cay Hill has helped her to believe in the power of her dreams to see her school become the best school in Antigua.

Victorious Living has embarked upon a leadership transformation movement on St. Maarten, which began five years ago with the introduction of Leadercast Live, the biggest one-day leadership event in the world with the most world renowned speakers.

The amazing turn out, high energy and passion of the attendees at the leadership workshop, who included Victorious Living’s Leader Worth Following Awards 2016 recipients, Dr. Alicia Liverpool, CEO of the David Company and Asha Stevens, Managing Director of the Asha Stevens Hillside Christian Schools, demonstrate to Victorious Living’s visionary, Dr. Erna Mae Francis-Cotton that the leadership landscape on St. Maarten is being transformed. She declared that a new era of leaders is emerging, who are visionary, creative, and go beyond themselves as true servants of their people. As a result the community will see positive growth and change.

As Victorious Living’s Leaders Worth Following movement grows, as one attendee at the workshop stated, “we will intentionally create a community of leaders who will strengthen, empower and sharpen each other to be better in our personal and professional lives.”

Consequently, a follow-up session is planned to build upon the recent 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Workshop.

Victorious Living thanked John Maxwell Coach Nelson Els for facilitating; Asha Stevens and her principals, Stephanie Jacott and Angie Prince for allowing the event to be held at their school; and all persons who volunteered, assisted or attended the workshop.

On May 5, Victorious Living will host Leadercast Live at the Belair Community Center from 8:00am to 4:15pm. “If you are seeking to discover your purpose or want to be inspired to continue fulfilling your purpose, you are invited to register early while seats are available, by calling 1 (721) 524-8731 or register at http://event.leadercast.com/location/victoriouslivingsxm to secure your space today,” a release stated.