TelEm Group technicians training on use of newly purchased fiber-blowing tools

TelEm Group technicians  and a local contracting firm putting newly purchased fiber-blowing equipment to use in the Oyster Bay area Wednesday, which Chief Technical Officer (CTO), Mr. Eldert Louisa (left) looks on.


Pond Island – TelEm Group recently took delivery of state-of-the-art fiber-blowing tools that technicians are now learning to use in the field with the help of the equipment manufacturer.

The equipment is part of the arsenal of tools that TelEm Group workers themselves will be mobilizing in the coming months, when the company begins a massive Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) rollout.

According to Manager, Outside Plant, Mr. Marco London, Tools expert, Jesper Damtoft, and FTTH Engineer, Rune Hausvik, have been made available by the manufacturing company in Norway, to train TelEm Group staff on the use of the new equipment. This is part of the purchase agreement for the tools and equipment.

“Our staff will be training on the sub-ducting and blowing of fiber conduits and cables, operation of the tools, best practices as well as limited maintenance of the tools,” said Mr. London, during one training session in the Oyster Bay area Wednesday.

He said once classroom training was completed last week, the trainers have now gone into the field with the workers for hands on application, especially in areas where Fiber optic cable is already being deployed. They will also apply their newly learned skills by installing fiber tubing to cell sites and local businesses.

“With these tools and equipment we will be able to optimize the use of ducts that have been placed in the ground for years,” said Mr. London.

He said another advantage, and a great cost saving, is the fact that the company can minimize the amount of inconvenient and costly trenching that would have been needed to place fiber optic cables into the ground.

“With new technologies now available, and driven by a high demand for fiber capacity we will be able to blow a large amount of fiber into these old ducts without having to dig them up,” said Mr. London.

The Manager Outside plant explained that with the application of the new fibre-blowing tools, ducts previously laid to accommodate up to 24 customers can now serve as many as 432 customers by utilizing micro cables in these ducts instead of larger sized cables.

He also reminded that the training component of the equipment purchase is in line with instructions from the new CEO, Mr. Kendall Dupersoy, who is keen to see that maximum training is provided to Outside plant staff so that they can improve their skills and productivity in the shortest time in preparation for the wider rollout program.