*** UPDATE *** Gun battle on Backstreet



POLICE REPORT: November 7, 2016

Man shot and hospitalized:

On Saturday November 5, 2016 between the hours of 11pm (2300 hrs) and midnight the Central Dispatch was informed of a shooting that had occurred at a home on the Backstreet. On arrival of the Patrol at the address, it appeared that the victim had already been transported to the Medical Center.

At the SMMC a male with the initials M.C.N. had been brought in with gun shot wounds. As a result, a house search was conducted the same night under supervision of the prosecutor and acting judge. As of Monday evening, the victim is still in critical condition.

The Forensic Department was called in to conduct a crime scene investigation; several witnesses were questioned and a statement was also taken the following day from the victim. No arrests have been made and the Detective Department is asking the public to assist them with any information pertaining to this case.

~one victim fighting for life~

PHIIPSBURG – Detectives are busy investigating a shooting that took place in the early morning hours of Sunday, November 6, when unknown persons entered a private property on Backstreet claiming to be law enforcement.

Well-known young man within the community Nunes, one of the twins who resides on Backstreet, sustained two gunshot wounds. He was transported by private car to St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC). Nunez is in serious, but stable condition.

Reliable information reaching 721news newsroom report that it was a gun battle between unknown person(s) and the victim. At this point in time authorities consider Nunes a suspect, and he has been placed under arrest. No-one is permitted to see him at the SMMC.

Police are also aware of the situation where unknown people are impersonating police, knocking on residents’ doors, and giving the impression that their house is being raided. During this weekend, unknown person(s) dressed up in black like the Police Arrest Team and invaded a house.

This modus operandi cannot be ruled out in the Backstreet shooting. A possible scenario is that these same unknown people came to Nunes’ house pretending to be police conducting a raid.

Kathron Fortune a.k.a “CUCHI” 2Strong rumors are circulating that the fugitive Kathron “Cuchi” Fortune could be involved in this Backstreet shooting.

A source told 721news newsroom the possibility exists that he may be involved in this and also in other crimes.

If indeed this is so, this is a clear indication that Fortune is still on the island, and authorities are not pushing hard enough to capture him. Up to Sunday 6:00pm no police report was issued to the media.

Kathron Fortune a.k.a “CUCHI” 1