General improvement in FBE exit exams

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports Hon. Ms Silveria Jacobs

PHILIPSBURG – Minister of Education Silveria Jacobs is reporting an improvement in the nationwide average passes in the FBE Exit exams.

Five hundred and thirty-one (531) students sat the exams between April 12 and 15. According to Minister Jacobs, the nationwide average has improved from 55% to 58% this year. She reported improvements in the following subjects:

General Knowledge – 57% up from 51%;

Mathematics – 62% up from year 55 % last year;

English – 72% up from 67% in 2015.

However, there was a decline in one of the subjects: Dutch was down to 43% from 46% last year. The Minister noted that on June 25, students with highest overall scores will receive awards at a special ceremony.