SBS-director Ivan Havertong sentenced for forging lease agreement


By Today Newspaper

GREAT BAY – The Court in First Instance acquitted St.Maarten Building Supplies director Ivan Havertong of money laundering, membership of a criminal organization and forging the purchase agreement that transferred the right of long lease to the land the company is using on Pond Island for $345,000.

The court did find Havertong however guilty of forging the commercial lease agreement his company signed with Eco Green between December 16 and 19, 2008.

The court acknowledged that SBS was in a difficult position because it could not find another location for its commercial activities. In a sense, the court ruled, Havertong found himself in a straightjacket.

Based on this consideration, the court found a prison sentence not appropriate. It sentenced Havertong to a 3-month conditional prison sentence and 120 hours of community service, to be completed within a year; in case of non-compliance, Havertong will have to go to jail for 60 days.