MP Veronica Jansen-Webster Stands in Solidarity with Victims of Workplace Sexual Harassment

MP Veronica Jansen-Webster


Philipsburg, Sint Maarten – The recent case of a young woman who was allegedly sexually abused in her workplace is a painful reminder of the urgent need to address workplace harassment. No one should ever have to endure such a violation, and no one should suffer in silence.

To every survivor:

  • You are not alone. This was not your fault. You deserve to be heard, supported, and protected.
  • MP Jansen-Webster urge the victims to speak up, seek help, and know that your voice matters. Institutions such as Victim Support Services and the Government-assigned social worker in the Personnel Affairs Department are available to provide assistance.
  • I encourage those affected to reach out for guidance and justice. As a Member of Parliament, I stand with you.

MP Jansen-Webster is committed to strengthening workplace protections by advocating for amendments to the Landsverordening Materieel Ambtenarenrecht to ensure greater safeguards for Government employees. Additionally, MP Jansen-Webster will continue pushing for legislation that extends protection to private-sector workers because every employee, no matter where they work, deserves a safe and respectful workplace.

Sexual harassment is not just a personal violation—it is a serious societal issue that requires collective action. We must create an environment where victims feel safe to report misconduct without fear of retaliation. Employers must take responsibility for ensuring a workplace free from harassment, and those who engage in such behavior must be held accountable.

To every survivor, I say:

  • I believe you. I support you. I will continue to fight for stronger laws to protect you.
  • This should never have happened, but together, we will work to ensure it happens to no one else.

If you or someone you know has experienced workplace sexual harassment or assault, I encourage you to seek help. Resources are available, and I am dedicated to ensuring that justice is served.