APS increases pensions by 2.1% 



Cayhill, Sint Maarten, — For the first time since the introduction of the  new Pension Ordinance for civil servants, the Algemeen Pensioenfonds Sint Maarten  (APS) can adjust the pensions of its participants for inflation.

Mr. Oscar Williams,  General Director, stated: “On July 1, 2020, the Pension Ordinance underwent  significant changes. One of these changes involved indexation. From that point on,  APS can only adjust pensions for inflation under certain conditions. Previously, this  adjustment was unconditional and dependent on the wage adjustment by  Government.

APS can only increase pensions if the coverage ratio is at least 105%. The 2023 financial  statements show that 2023 was a positive year for APS. By the end of 2023, the coverage  ratio stood at 109.09%.

Ms. Nathalie Tackling, Chairperson, commented: “We are pleased to  announce a full inflation-based increase in pensions for all our participants, reflecting the rise  in living costs that everyone has felt. This adjustment ensures that our retirees maintain their  purchasing power. However, it is crucial to understand that our coverage ratio is subject to  fluctuations due to varying market conditions. While we can index pensions this year, there  may be years when this isn’t possible. Our ability to make these adjustments depends heavily  on the financial markets and prevailing interest rates.” 

The pensions will be retroactively increased by 2.1% from January 1, 2024.

Pension accrual in 2024 

Future pension accruals will also increase. Due to high market interest rates, the costs for  pension accrual are relatively low. Consequently, the pension accrual rate can be increased  from 1.75% to 2% in 2024. APS warns that the level of pension accrual is largely dependent  on market interest rates. Mr. Williams stated: “Unfortunately, as a pension fund, we cannot  avoid market movements. High interest rates are favorable for the pension fund. We are  pleased that the increase of the pension accrual rate can take place this year, but it is  important to note that this can be adjusted yearly. The Pension Ordinance prescribes when  pension accrual must be adjusted.” This is the first time since the introduction of the Pension  Ordinance on July 1, 2020, that accruals can be increased. 

Recovery plan  

The value of the investment portfolio saw a substantial increase due to favorable  developments in international financial markets, alongside a rise in the actuarial interest rate.  These factors combined to improve APS’s financial position. The coverage ratio increased from 98.86% at the end of 2022 to 109.09% at the end of 2023. As a result, the recovery plan  that APS had established in 2023 has been concluded. Ms. Tackling stated: “The calculations  for our recovery plan indicated that the APS coverage ratio would likely reach at least 100%  within the stipulated five-year period without additional measures. We are pleased that this  recovery has manifested within a year. 

APS is committed to maintaining the financial stability of the pension fund while ensuring  the welfare of its participants. The recent improvements in our financial position enable us to  offer better benefits and increased pension accruals. We will continue to monitor market  conditions closely and adjust our strategies as necessary to safeguard the long-term  sustainability of the fund.”