Unified Resilient St. Maarten Movement (URSM) Denounces Misinformation by MP Omar Ottley

Philipsburg – The board of the Unified Resilient St. Maarten Movement (URSM) has taken note of the recent remarks and media statements made by MP Omar Ottley, proclaimed leader of the UPP. We are deeply concerned by his continuous efforts to misinform and mislead the people of St. Maarten for political gain.
In light of the upcoming snap election, one would expect a reduction in rhetoric, especially considering the substantial challenges this coalition government inherited. The Honorable Prime Minister Dr. Luc Mercelina and Minister of VSA Veronica Jansen-Webster, along with other coalition members, have been transparent about the energy crisis and other pressing issues facing our nation. Prime Minister Mercelina, in particular, has been actively addressing these challenges with a hands-on approach even during his urgent working visit to Washington, DC, with full support from the Council of Ministers.
Truth be told, the work visit only lasted approximately four days, and the Prime Minister has been on the island actively engaged since last Thursday. Considering the effectiveness of the urgent work visit, it seems MP Ottley is obsessed with this very charismatic and committed Prime Minister who is focusing on solutions, progress, and unity for our country.
Contrary to MP Ottley’s assertions, the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister have been forthcoming in updating the public about the ongoing energy crisis and other critical matters. If MP Ottley had paid attention to these communications, he would be aware of the steps being taken and the support provided.
The URSM board urges MP Ottley to exhibit genuine leadership rather than spreading misinformation. His selective amnesia, seemingly forgetting about the numerous strikes and unrest during the former NA/UPP Government’s tenure, only serves to distort the truth and harm the country’s reputation. Such actions have lasting negative impacts on St. Maarten’s image.
It is evident that MP Ottley has chosen to focus on political posturing rather than addressing the real issues affecting our citizens. The URSM calls on him to prioritize the needs of the people over his ego and to engage in constructive dialogue that will benefit the country.