Prosecution Presents Three ‘Dangerous Dog’ Incidents in Court



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Prosecutor’s Office Sint Maarten OM SXM) has charged three suspects in connection with an incident involving dangerous dogs. The cases against two of the suspects were presented in the Court of First Instance on Thursday, June 20. The charges are based on Article 3:2 of the Penal Code, which mandates that individuals must ensure the safety and harmlessness of dangerous animals under their care.

Of those cases, one suspect received a penalty from the Court, while the other was acquitted of the charges. The third suspect’s case was postponed at the request of his lawyer.

The cases were presented in Court by the prosecutor under the following charges: using the dogs as weapons and actively inciting the dogs during the incident, and under Article 3:2 for failing to take sufficient measures to prevent their dangerous dogs from causing harm.

The incident highlights the critical responsibilities that come with owning or caring for breeds such as pit bulls or similar mixed breeds. These dogs require stringent supervision and secure containment to prevent any potential harm to the public. Owners must ensure their gates are securely closed, dogs are not allowed to roam freely without a leash, and adequate supervision is always maintained.

OM SXM understands that dog bite incidents can have severe and lasting impacts on victims. It is important for the public to know that these matters are taken seriously, especially when they involve dangerous dogs and negligent owners. Victims are encouraged to file complaints of such occurrences with the Police Force of Sint Maarten (KPSM).

OM SXM states there is a pressing need to change the public perception of dog bite incidents as mere accidents.