UPDATE: St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry Election Committee

COCI Head Office Philipsburg.



The St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry (COCI) would like to inform its Registrants that upon the results of the re-submittance to the nomination of candidates for the Board of Directors of the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry,

All nomination forms met the requirements for the Small Business Sector.

Two (2) candidates were nominated for one (1) position on the Board of Directors representing the Large Business sector. They are:  Louis Bute, and Pamela Friday. 

Four (4) candidates were nominated for the two (2) positions on the Board of Directors representing the Small sector.  They are: Chrystal Gonsalves, Edsel Gumbs, Pamela Friday and Paulina Lake.

Furthermore The St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry hereby reminds all eligible voters that their voting cards can be obtained at the Chamber’s office until Election Day, Friday, December 8th, 2023, before 12:00 noon.

All eligible voters are advised to bring along some form of identification on Election Day.

Voters are encouraged to come up in large numbers to vote for the candidate that will best represent their interest.