Appointment new Attorney General 



THE HAGUE – The Dutch Council of Ministers, on the recommendation of Minister Yeşilgöz-Zegerius of Justice and Security, also on behalf of the Minister of Justice of Curaçao and the Minister of Justice of Sint Maarten; has approved the appointment of Mr. G.L.C. (Guillano) Schoop as Procureur-Generaal. He succeeds Mr A.C. Maan. The appointment will take effect on 1 February 2024.

Mr Schoop was found to be the most solid candidate during the selection process, with a relevant network and strong roots in the region. After a career in investigation services and the Prosecution Service, he is currently deputy Chief Prosecutor for Curaçao.

During his time as acting Chief Prosecutor BES, Mr Schoop has improved chain relations.

He also connects content and practice as a university lecturer.