KPSM Responds to Allegations of Police Violence and Initiates Internal Investigation



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — On Friday, August 4, 2023 KPSM received a report regarding allegations of violence committed by police officers during the night of Wednesday to Thursday, August 3, 2023. The matter was immediately brought to the attention of the Internal Affairs Bureau for investigation.

Following the report, an appointment was scheduled to record the complaint and gather detailed information. However, the complainant expressed a preference to pursue further action after consulting with their legal representative.

Consequently, the complainant has decided to direct their complaint to the National Detectives, exercising their rights within the legal framework of the investigation.

KPSM respects the complainant decision and acknowledges their right to pursue alternative avenues for their complaint.

In accordance with this, KPSM will fully cooperate with the National Detectives in their investigation.

KPSM recognizes the seriousness of the allegations and the importance of a thorough and impartial investigation. As a result, a preliminary internal disciplinary investigation has been initiated under the direction of the Chief of Police.

KPSM is committed to ensuring transparency and accountability within its ranks.

Should the investigation uncover any evidence of wrongdoing by the officers involved, appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken.

During this investigative process, KPSM will await the conclusion of the National Detectives investigation. 

Further statements will be issued upon the completion of both investigations.