Argumentum ad ignorantiam



By Cdr. Bud Slabbaert

Most progress and increased revenues in the future may come from products and services that do not exist today. Not having the evidence that something does not exist yet, doesn’t mean that it cannot be done. If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does that mean that it didn’t happen?  Now, to be honest, do you know what the headline “argumentum ad ignorantiam” means? Or did you just continue to read thinking that such memorable expression would be followed by something extremely wise? It simply means “argument by lack of imagination” and yes something wise will follow.

Application of imagination is creativity. Creativity is a function of intelligence. One of the greatest treasures our maker ever gave us was our mind; he never created money though. That, by the way, may give a clue to what the difference is between value and currency is. Dare to be more imaginative. Create WOW power!

Look for an uncontested activity or market space that may be ripe for growth. Don’t serve markets, create them. Has all been tried and done yet? No way! Take a 360-degree look around and pick out brilliant ideas from other endeavors. Deliberately look for inspiration for new activities, services, and products in completely different environments. Don’t compete with rivals, make them irrelevant! Outthinking your competition or opponent will get you much farther than just skill, certificate, or strategy!

Oh, you already have a plan? So do boxers when they enter the ring! They usually have a plan until they’re hit hard. Of course, some people just stick to old ideas like chewing gum to a shoe and then there are some who are blind-as-a-bat optimists. So, if you are creating a plan make it exceptional but also apply due diligence. You know? Acting with a certain standard of prudence and care.

If you have an exceptionally great idea, then mind, that bragging about it may not be as effective as one hopes for, it may not even be smart. If news is being bend too much and too often, one may end up with breaking news about lots of shambles. Also, hot-air balloons that go up eventually come down.

Everyone wants to hear the truth, but no one likes the facts. And that is exactly how things often get out of perspective in communication. There are two things that will utterly offend almost anyone, even if it was expressed and meant with absolute sincerity. 

The one is telling them that they don’t communicate well, and the second is that they might want to seek help from a psychologist. One will be taking some serious chances to be predestined as a friend-no-more and being unfriended on Facebook.


So, you think you communicate well, don’t you? Then you probably very well know the difference between a) speaking to a constituency, b) conferencing during a preacher’s convention, and c) being a disciple making pitches in a jungle of disbelief. It will all be around one theme. If you cannot understand that difference, how can you get your message across effectively in each case? Effectively meaning, do the audiences buy it so well that they will stand in line to get it? You cannot sell deliciously prepared pork chops from the menu by telling hogwash and believing that it is all about pigs anyway. Know your audience to address them in the right manner.

What were striking positive experiences for you in the past while you were shopping, or while dining, or when you were on vacation visiting a destination? Do those special experiences still stick in your mind because they were so extraordinary? Can they somehow be transformed and implemented in your private or business activities or can they be used to enhance your services?

Are you experiencing stagnation in your business or private life? Or is your mind boggling and causing a sensation of heightened consciousness that things need a change to become what you hoped for or once expected but never got there? For one, don’t start blaming it on anything. If you think that you can sit and ride things out, you may be dead wrong. Rethink. You will have to come up with solutions and new ideas.

Try not to be fixated on standard thinking. The fact is that behind any progress and every innovation are often unconventional ideas. One should not cling tenaciously to outdated services, processes, and attitudes, but instead, one should question the status quo and have the courage to think eccentrically and create new benefits. Let the activities in your private life or business be an exciting challenge to arrive where you want to be.

Don’t get stuck with arguments by lack of imagination, argumentum ad ignorantiam. Unlock your imagination and explore the power of creativity!