Sint Maarten Lions Club hosts successful 43rd Multiple District 60 Convention



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Sint Maarten Lions Club hosted a very successful 43rd Multiple District 60 Convention with over 300 Lions and Leos from countries as far south as Suriname up to Grand Cayman in the north and including all the English-speaking Caribbean islands staying at the luxurious Divi Resort Hotel. Delegates from French St. Martin, Guadeloupe, Martinique, France and the U.S.A. also participated in the Convention. Delegates were honored with the presence of specially invited guest, Past International President of Lions Clubs International, USA, Lion Al Brandel and his Partner-in-Service, Lion Dr. Maureen Murphy, PMJF. 

The week’s activities officially began on Wednesday, May 17th with leadership training workshops, conducted at the Paradise Event Hall and Belair Convention Centre by powerful local presenters namely Rolande Tobias, Lion Brenda Maynard, and Marcella Henry.

The colorful International Parade of Clubs through Front Street later that afternoon was followed by the official Opening ceremony in which our very own Honorable Prime Minister Ms. Silveria Jacobs, who is also an Honorary member of the Sint Maarten Lions Club, delivered the keynote address and welcomed the delegates to the island and Convention. She focused on the theme “Serving from the Heart” and encouraged the Lions and Leos to continue to be beacons of light in giving service in their communities as the needs are great and more involvement means a better chance for positive change. This event was catered by NIPA as part of our Club’s continued effort to promote our country’s young professionals. 

During the evening’s event held at the Belair Convention Center, members of the Sint Maarten Alpha Leo Club presented the flags of the 21 islands and countries of Multiple District 60 in addition to the flags of the Past International President and Lions Clubs International in an impressive, well-coordinated ceremony.

The remainder of the week was filled with Meetings during the day where Lions and Leos reviewed and celebrated their service achievements while discussing the continuity of impactful service in their various communities and beyond. On Thursday May 18th, the Sint Maarten Night Social was held on the rooftop of the Belair Convention Centre. This fun-filled event showcased our culture and attendees were treated to entertainment by the Cole Bay Theater Company and The Family String Band and were served delicious local snacks with fresh coconut water and Guavaberry drinks.

The week’s events culminated with the Council of Governors Ball on Friday evening at the Harbor where delegates dined and danced to the sizzling rhythms of the popular Control Band.

Council Chairperson of Multiple District 60, Lion Claudio A. Buncamper, PMJF remarked: “It was exciting for us to finally have this opportunity to gather again in-person, to reconnect and recharge. The strong feeling of camaraderie among our Lions and Leos was very evident. As Lions and Leos, service is who we are and what we do. Based on the very positive feedback that was received, I am sure that everyone has left the Convention feeling rejuvenated in our common objective of true, humanitarian service to our communities.”

The Multiple District 60 Convention Chairlady, Lion Carmen Lake MJF expresses her thanks and appreciation to the Sint Maarten Lions and Leo Clubs, Council Chairperson Lion Claudio A. Buncamper, PMJF, the Convention Organizing Committee and Sub Committees, the sponsors, delegates, and all who contributed in one way or the other to make the Convention a huge success.