New Nature Book Launches With Free Giveaway This Saturday!



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — French Quarter, St. Martin – The Les Fruits de Mer association invites the public to the launch of Incredibilia!, a new book of fun facts about local nature. The bilingual book reveals the amazing secrets and superpowers of 20 plants and animals found on this island. Bursting with vivid color photos and captivating natural and cultural heritage, Incredibilia! is sure to mesmerize readers young and old.

“On St. Martin, nature is all around us. And it’s full of really wild surprises!” said author Jenn Yerkes. “There are absolutely incredible things to discover, even about the plants and animals we see every day. Like what helps a gecko walk up walls. Or how a bird builds a stretchy nest that expands as its chicks get bigger. Or why a fish would make a sleeping bag out of its own snot!”

The association created the book in response to requests and questions from young people on St. Martin. Les Fruits de Mer cofounder Mark Yokoyama said, “Kids and youth are curious. They have a ton of questions when they visit the museum or read our other books. Once they start, they want to find out more and more.” “When some young folks asked us make a book about what animals do and why, we thought it was a great idea!” said Yerkes. To develop the book, she drew on selections from her popular weekly St. Martin nature series “Le saviez-vous ?” published in Le Pélican. The French parts of the book were edited thanks to the editing team of Le Pélican.

“This book is a fascinating look at how local nature works behind the scenes,” said Yokoyama. “And it would make a great holiday gift for people of all ages,” added Yerkes. “So we’re inviting people to pass by and get a free copy at the Amuseum this Saturday morning!”

To launch the book, a free giveaway event will be held on Saturday, December 17th at Amuseum Naturalis at The Old House in French Quarter. Free copies of Incredibilia! will be given away from 9am to noon, thanks to Vie Associative and the Politique de la ville de Saint-Martin.

The book is also available as a free download from, and for purchase on worldwide. Teachers and youth group leaders interested in copies are encouraged to contact Les Fruits de Mer at Companies, organizations or individuals interested in sponsoring copies for schools are also encouraged to contact the association.

Free printed copies of Incredibilia! will also be given to local schools as part of Les Fruits de Mer’s 2022 book giveaway program. This project is supported by Vie Associative and the Politique de la ville de Saint-Martin, implemented by the State and the Collectivité de Saint-Martin. Incredibilia! was produced with support from Vie Associative, the Collectivité de Saint-Martin and the Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires.