Chamber of Commerce Election Results 2022

COCI Head Office Philipsburg.


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry results for the Board of Directors Election, which was held on Friday, December 9th, 2022.

The opening positions on the board were 1Small Business representatives and 2 Large Business representative. There were five candidates vying for the Small business category and three candidates for the Large Business category.

On completion of the analysis of the votes casted, the results were as follows: For Small Businesses, Ms. Mirurgia Brown was elected out of a field of 5 candidates as the representatives to fill the vacancy for the Small Business Sector. Ms. Brown received a total of 95 votes, followed by Mr. Vinod Kotai with 76 votes, Ms. Charlise Philips with 68 votes, Mr. David Richardson with 63 votes and Ms. Peggy-Ann Brandon with 22 votes.

For Large Businesses, Ms. Mirurgia Brown also came out on top with a total of 16 votes, followed by Ms. Charlise Phillip with 11 votes and Ms. Peggy Ann Brandon with 9 votes.

Since Ms. Brown won outright in both categories, she has decided to represent the category of Small Business for the coming 3 years. This therefore meant that the category of Large Businesses would be represented by Ms. Charlise Philip and Ms. Peggy Ann Brandon coming 3 years also.