2022 SMVTS Christmas Celebration “Jolly Jamboree”



EBENEZER, Sint Maarten — The St. Maarten Vocational Training School celebrated a Special Christmas by hosting a “Jolly Jamboree” on its campus in South Reward on Tuesday 13th December, 2022. The Care Team of the school spear-headed this successful event in collaboration with management, staff and students. Leading up to the Jamboree, mentor teachers and their students participated in a classroom decoration competition, wowing SMVTS population with their creativity.

A collaboration between Ms. R. Richardson, Mr. Lynch and GEN1-1 earned them a prize for starting their decorations first in Room C1. Mrs. Gautier-Powell and LOE4-2 earned best classroom atmosphere in room B11. Mrs. Laurence and GNS4 earned most beautiful décor in room B9 while Mr. Belle and AUM4 earned most creative in the Automotive shop. Ultimately Ms. M. Richardson and her students LOE3-1 won overall best classroom decoration for their originality and teamwork in room A3.

The “Jolly Jamboree” was centered around a candy theme. Students were able to indulge in sweet treats at various stations set up in the school yard. The first station they would encounter was the Candy-Land: where they were handed a variety of chocolates and Christmas sweets. Thanks to SXM Promotionz for their station with cotton candy and snow cones. SMVTS had its own Elf who hosted the hot chocolate, mint tea and cookies station.
The station which garnered the most positive reactions from the students was the Lucky-Dip and Raffle gift table.

Thanks to donations from Capuccino Restaurant, Nagico, NV GEBE, TELEM, UTS, and other anonymous donors, all students were able to take a chance to win a prize. Christmas lunch was then served in each class. A special thank you to former student and the winner of the 2022 Police Song Festival, Davidson Charles for sharing his gift of music with us. Finally, to the Zero Tolerance Band, thank you for closing out our amazing celebration with a nice jam session that also allowed students to showcase some of their musical talents.

The students and teachers concluded that it was an excellent event. The St. Maarten Vocational Training School will continue to promote positivity and creativity at school through events like this one. Feel free to visit the Facebook Page: SMVTS, for additional pictures of the event.