Public announcement by the leader of USP Mrs. Pamela Gordon-Carty



Pamela Gordon-Carty, Leader of the United St. Maarten Party (USP)

Résidents of Country Sint Maarten, It was brought to our attention that there is a negative campaign being put together to try and discredit members of the USP. We in return will not respond or lower our standards to give life to any false accusations.

We will also not launch a slander campaign in response either, not because we can’t but because we choose not to. We instead request that the population ask themselves, Why USP? Why at this time ?

The amount of emphasis being placed on hold to and promote a negative narrative about USP is rather disappointing. I do not and will not accept the normalisation of slander as being part of the political process. Bare in mind that all stories have at least 2 sides. and it seems like nowadays people are rewarded for being slanderous.

Be careful people, see through the pomp and circumstance, and question the motives of any individual that would use a public forum in an effort to damage someone’s character as a solution to any dispute or disagreement.

All of our candidates are individuals with families , hardworking mothers and fathers with high moral standards just like you. knowledgeable down to earth business people with a long term plan that caters to the growth and sustainability of country Sint Maarten as a whole and not a selective few.

Many have tried but the US party will not be threatened or silenced. We are for the people, by the people, and with the people and our goal is to break the cycle of neglect for the country and its people.

Follow us on our campaign as we share how we are going to improve Country Sint Maarten.
Follow the USP Facebook page for important updates and stay focus on the positive and don’t get distracted by the noise!

Blessed day to all.

Pamela Gordon-Carty,
Leader of the United St. Maarten Party (USP)