First-anniversary URSM

Today, October 10, 2022, is the first anniversary of the URSM (Unified Resilient Sint Maarten Movement). In the first place, I would like to congratulate the Board, the Advisory Council, the Committee members, the Candidates, and of course all URSM members and the people of Sint Maarten with the first anniversary of the URSM. The URSM is a Party of inclusion that respects and embraces diversity. The URSM believes that inclusion is a method and tool to promote a unified opinion and sentiment of Country identity for Sint Maarten. The URSM was founded to take care of the needs, aspirations, and hopes of the people of Sint Maarten.
Once in government, the URSM will govern with principles, morals, integrity, transparency, accountability, and especially guided by its vision.
The URSM considers the current critical socio-economic status of the people of this country a high priority. The URSM is committed to empowering St. Maarten residents to create a people-centric culture, enabling them to acquire
quality health care and education and cultural and economic wealth.
An analysis of the quality of governance over the past years justifies the launching of this new political movement.
It is important to realize the destruction that has been caused by our Government to our Government Owned Companies like our national utility company GEBE and our Princess Juliana
International Airport. No efforts are being made to improve the livelihood of the people of this Country. Poverty is still dominating this Country.
The education necessary for our young
Country Sint Maarten is still undefined and the unemployment rate is still alarming high. There are no decent sports establishments for the people in the country, the school buildings are still
in a deplorable state and there is no vision and action plan to enhance the capacity of social housing and affordable housing. The construction of our general hospital will financially
become the historical nightmare of our Country.
All these negative developments have been contributing to the hopelessness of the people of this country. The lack of initiatives from the side of Government to bring tangible changes to improve the deplorable and critical socio-economic status of the citizens of this Country (like an increase of the minimum wage, old age pension, and social welfare benefits) combined with a poor education system in Sint Maarten, are exhausting the morals, principles, and hope of the citizens of our Island.
Dear people, the URSM will not give up. We will continue endorsing a vision and action plan that will ultimately prosper our people and community.

We are counting on you for the change!

Dr. Luc Mercelina, Political leader of the URSM