Leader of the United St. Maarten Party: Self-fulfilling Agendas over Principles seems to be the Order of the Day

Pamela Gordon - Carty, leader of the United St. Maarten Party


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Leader of the United St. Maarten Party Mrs. Pamela Gordon Carty in an invited comment said, “The Chair of Parliament should reflect 15 members of Parliament. It’s unfortunate to continuously see immaturity, power plays and politics taking precedence over running the country.”

“The position of Chairperson of Parliament is a position that is neutral and should be carried out with the outmost respect. Running a country is a serious matter and personal issues should not be intertwined with the execution of this task,” said Gordon – Carty. “The appointment of the chair is voted on by all members of parliament and not exclusively coalition members. It is unfortunate that with all the serious issues facing the country at this time, personal agendas and party politics is taking priority ahead of the people’s business,” continued Gordon -Carty.

Gordon-Carty weighed in on the very public spat between the Leader of the UPP, MP Rolando Brison and the Chair of Parliament MP Grisha Heyliger – Martin that has dominated the air ways and social media over the past few days.
“There is something seriously wrong with the NA /UPP union, the issues being debated, stem from a lack of principles. Principle positions seem to be applied as a matter of convenience and that has eroded the stability and integrity of the coalition.”

The USP leader lamented that ministers being falsely praised for the execution of task that they are appointed and paid to complete, and photo-ops with civil servants executing their duties, is not the definition of governing. “Deviating attention from the critical issues facing the country to non-existing achievements as a means of distracting the population from the sea of ongoing negative matters has been this coalition’s modus operandi lately.”

Gordon- Carty said, “Instead of focusing on wanting to be the longest sitting government the focus should be placed on upholding the constitution and achieving progress for the country. Fact is that no laws has been presented and passed by the coalition members of parliament other than the three laws that in effect hurt our people by decreasing their spending power and by extension stagnated the rebound of our economy. This government has failed the people and the coalition partners in parliament have failed to uphold the core principles of our constitution.”

“I am not impressed, but rather disappointed in the execution results of this government thus far, much more could have been and should be done,” said Gordon-Carty. “The lack of principles, integrity and transparency, sly behavior, cunning attitudes, and the falseness being displayed is unbecoming of true leadership. I am calling on the population to not lose hope, things can change, your constitutional rights can be upheld, and your life and living conditions will improve when you elect the USP slate of capable and committed candidates under my leadership and place them in the position to lead this country.”

Gordon-Carty pointed out what she termed as empty promises and nice talks currently being used to erase and account for all the mishaps, justifying the disappointing manner in which the people’s business has been handled thus far. “The best interest of the people does not describe what has transpired in the Jacobs cabinet. Emotionally misguiding the population by means of a reverse psychological approach of sympathy, pity and fake humility only adds insult to injury.”

“It is time for the NA/UPP coalition to show some maturity, accountability and respect towards those that placed them in their positions and the country as a whole. Your job is to uphold the core principles of the constitution, and work in the interest of the people, not misinterpret and use it in the best interest of your coalition. That approach is obviously flawed and has not produced any positive tangible results for the country. The turmoil and utter failures that have spawned out of that approach speaks for itself,” concluded Gordon – Carty.