Parliamentary Schedule (August 15-19, 2022)



Monday, August 15, 2022 CC 39 14.00hrs 1.       Approval of composition delegation and provisions for Members of Parliament to participate in Committees of Parlatino to be held on August 18 and 19 in Panama (IS/1130/2021-2022 dated July 12, 2022, IS/1131/2021-2022 dated July 12, 2022, IS/1129/2021-2022 dated July 08, 2022, and IS/1168/2021-2022 dated August 8, 2022) 2022),

Discussion on the content of

2.       Systematic Investigation regarding the tendering and awarding process of the Solid waste collection 2021-2026 (IS/1098/ 2021-2022 dated June 27, 2022)

3.       Ombudsman Sint Maarten 2021 Year report (IS/1167/2021-2022 dated August 8, 2022)


Tuesday, August 16, 2022 CC 40 11.00 hrs 1. Approval of composition delegation and provisions for Members of Parliament to participate in IPKO and Tripartite in the Hague, the Netherlands, from September 27 – 30, 2022

2. Approval composition delegation and provisions Members of Parliament to participate in Committees of Parlatino to be held on September 15 and 16, and September 29 and 30, 2022 in Argentina and Panama (IS/956/2021-2022 dated May 30, 2022)

3. Reports Committees

Wednesday, August 17, 2022 CC 41 11.00 hrs. 1.  Ontwerplandsverordening tot wijziging van de Landsverordening belasting op bedrijfsomzetten in verband met de invoering van een vrijstelling psychologen (Zittingsjaar 2021-2022-158)(IS/883/2021-2022 d.d. 11 mei 2022)

2.  Ontwerplandsverordening tot vaststelling van de jaarrekening van Sint Maarten voor het dienstjaar 2019 (Landsverordening vaststelling jaarrekening 2019) (Zittingsjaar 2021-2022-159) (IS/1119/2021-2022 d.d. 5 juli 2022)

3.  Ontwerplandsverordening tot vaststelling van de jaarrekening van Sint Maarten voor het dienstjaar 2020 (Landsverordening vaststelling jaarrekening 2020) (Zittingsjaar 2021-2022-162) IS/1170/2021-2022 d.d.10 augustus 2022

Wednesday, August 17, 2022 Continuation OV 19 (urgent) 15.30 hrs. The Final Report of the Ombudsman regarding tendering and awarding process of the garbage collection contracts 2021-2026 (IS/1103/2021-2022 dated June 28, 2022)

This meeting was requested by MP M.D. Gumbs, MP C.T. Emmanuel, MP S.A. Wescot-Williams, and MP R.A. Peterson

Friday, August 19, 2022 Continuation OV 13 (urgent) 10.00 -11.30 hrs. Matters surrounding dismissals at the Princess Juliana International Airport and the situation regarding the Air Traffic Controllers
Friday, August 19, 2022 Continuation OV 20 (urgent) 14.00 hrs. Advice request advice Council of Advice regarding article 50, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the Constitution