Pro Soualiga to Kingdom COM: No more Instructions!!!

On July 14h, 2022, Pro Soualiga sent an email  to the Kingdom Council of Ministers which posed two pointed questions:
1) Can or may an instruction from the Kingdom COM  affect the jus cogens (dwingend/absoluut recht)   right of self-determination of the islands?
2) Can or may the Temporary Act (Tijdelijke Wet) set aside the jus cogens (dwingend/absoluut recht) right of self-determination of St. Eustatius?
Before the Kingdom COM proceeds to issue an “aanwijzing” (Koninklijk besluit) to Aruba, or any other island, the inhabitants of the six islands of the former Netherlands Antilles must be assured that the Dutch State will indeed fulfill the “peremptory obligation to respect the right to self-determination” that they possess.
Otherwise, the rule of law (rechtsstatelijkheid) will be at stake.  Invoking our jus cogens (dwingend/absoluut recht) right to self-determination, and the peremptory (dwingend/absoluut recht) obligation resting on the Dutch State to “respect and promote the right to self-determination”, we request the Kingdom COM to inform us within a week that the Temporary Act (Tijdelijke Wet) on St. Eustatius has been repealed, as well as, “aanwijzingen” (Koninklijk besluiten) that are in conflict with the jus cogens (dwingend/absoluut recht) right of self-determination.
All of the aforementioned would be in order to guarantee the rule of law (rechtsstatelijkheid) within the Kingdom.