Gordon-Carty: Questions the Morals, Values and Principles of our Current Leadership

Pamela Gordon - Carty, leader of the United St. Maarten Party


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The leader of the United St. Maarten Party Pamela Gordon-Carty, stated on Sunday that she noticed with great disappointment that the governing coalition has abandoned standards, turned a blind eye on principles and continuously tramples on the morals of country St. Maarten and its people.

Abuse has increased at all levels, tolerance levels have slid backward, while injustice, fear, and dishonesty supersede transparency. What’s happening to country St Maarten,” continued Gordon-Carty. Where are our government officials that are supposed to lead by example and or set the tone?

Government officials are misusing power in all sense, while hiding behind the false pretext of exercising control. The fact that whistleblower protection is on the table says a lot. Whistleblowers usually arise when individuals notice wrong is being done and those in charge are not doing what they are supposed to do.

‘Victimization’ is on the rise in this country, placement of individuals are no longer based on qualifications, but on whether you can be a good puppet or permit yourself to be misused it seems.

Freedom of speech issues, child sex abuse, sexual harassment in the work place, racial discrimination and the neglect of the elderly go unaddressed, while power is used to muzzle the truth.

Gordon-Carty expressed frustration over what she termed the lack of proper handling of the case where a citizen was almost slaughtered in an alleged racially fueled attacked caught on video. “Our reaction to incidents where racial discrimination has been proven should be dealt with in a concise manner. The color of one’s skin, race, last name or association has no place in justice. Protection and justice for our citizens must be our first priority. Our people must be respected at all cost, there is no room for discrimination or racist individuals in our St. Maarten, that message must be sent loud and clear, and it is governments responsibility to publicly denounce such behavior ” said Gordon-Carty.

Decisions being taken by government seems to have less of a taste for our own when it comes to key positions or promotions, which is a bad precedence to set as it may trickle down to the business community at a time when locals are finding themselves in less profitable situations in the job market. Addressing the issues of our people not being able to climb the ladder, qualify for mortgages, the rise in unemployment, cost of living and food security is where this governments priorities should lie. However, their actions thus far have proven to be the opposite. Displacement, oppression, and neglect of country St. Maarten and its people seems to be the order of the day.

All of our economical pillars, and government-owned companies are under attack yet no audits or investigations have been triggered. The country is not being run it’s being groomed to be oppressed.

“The people deserve more than smiley faces playing with words. They are entitled to dignified leadership that upholds the rights, principles, morals, and values of country St. Maarten first and for most, and not the displacement agenda currently being executed,” said Gordon- Carty.