Minister Irion approves APS budget 2022



Cayhill, Sint Maarten, — On October 29, 2021, Algemeen Pensioenfonds Sint Maarten received a letter from Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion informing the pension fund that its 2022 budget has been approved. The deadline for approval was November 1.

Despite the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, APS’ net operational result in 2022 is expected to be positive at ANG 13.6 million, driven by strong positive results on investments. The operational cost is projected to remain stable and in line with the previous years. The investment budget in 2022 will focus on the current investment properties and the investment of available cash in local investments with a stable return.

“We thank the Minister for his timely approval and his confidence in APS’ responsible financial management. It is our aim to keep the pension fund future-ready; a balanced and soundly governed budget is an important condition to do so”, commented APS Director Nadya Croes-van Putten.