“Relationship with Saint Martin at an all-time low,” says the UD Party



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — In a press release, the UD questions the seemingly nonexistence relationship between the Government of St.Maarten and the Collectivity of St.Martin. “Have the respective Ministers met with their French-Side counterparts since taking office over a year ago?” the party questions.

The UD is on record for standing up for this relationship, as the party is convinced that the future of this island is one of togetherness, not separation. Other than lofty words at commemorative events, there is lately very little to show for the one-islandness many like to profess.

“We are still in a pandemic as Covid-19 continues to affect us economically and has basically crippled our tourism product. With a little light on the horizon in terms of gradual reopening in several parts of the world, we need to ensure that collectively our island is once again poised to take part in the global recovery. “

The UD Party questions why the Tourism based Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the French Side has been shelved and from all appearances, each side of the island taking its own initiatives with little or no consultation with the other.

Over one year in office and the counterparts of especially Tourism and Culture have yet to meet. “There is no excuse for this type of ‘good-weather’ relationship”.

Stakeholders should be around the table constantly and on speed dial to creatively balance reviving our economy without risking lives due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. This government’s lack of leadership and internal cohesion on fundamental issues has left the wider population in the dark as to where exactly the government stands on matters such as cooperation with our French brothers and sisters.

“We strongly advise all ministries to contact their respective counterparts on French St.Martin and re-establish the longstanding working relationship that has existed,” UD concluded.