Results Dutch election March 2021- Sends a clear message of discontent from the people of Bonaire.



The Dutch election 17 th March 2021 on Bonaire results spoke volumes on the discontent from the people of Bonaire. This indisputable “rejection of Dutch rule on Bonaire”. The results on Wednesday shows a clear-cut message as from the 13490 eligible voters only 3076 voters turned out at the polling stations a 22%. 10, 414 did not turn out to vote, The last Dutch election in 2018 was almost the same average of 70% and so was the year
before that.

We Want Bonaire Back Campaign “ Don’t go to vote” as always sparked a land side victory as the people once again united even if they were from different political parties they all united and refuse to take part in this farce dormancy.

This imposed election is a mockery or farce democratic event for our people as this Dutch parliament that embedded us in their constitution under unequal rights, consists of 150 members in The Hague, where they all agreed to this criminal act against our peoples and for one seat there is needed about 60,000 votes and on Bonaire we have 13.000 eligible voters as we make no mathematically chance.

More impossible is that to change the Dutch constitution back in our favor to give us equal rights, we need 2/3 of the Dutch parliament, 100 seats to agree to change this back. And not only in one government term but in two different elections and governments terms these 100 Dutch parliament members has to agree for this.

The Bonaire political parties MPN, UPB and DP influential Leaders, workers union leaders of Bonaire, all aggressively promoted in a grand scale Television, radio and newspaper ads a very elaborated and expensive election campaign as never seen before in Bonaire in favor of the Dutch political parties in which they are aligned with in the Nederland’s. They thought that this time would be different but they all look very embarrassed at the very low turnout of voters. The results is a strong reminder that the people did not chose for integration and they were forced in an illegal Annexation.

The Dutch parliament, the 2 nd Chamber, annexed the BES islands, including Bonaire on October 10, 2010 and wiped out the democratic rights of the Boneiran peoples. Since then the democratically elected Bonaire parliament by the Bonaire people was subordinated under Dutch rule by Dutch law that started a new form of 21st century colonial rule over our peoples.

In October 2017 the Dutch parliaments and government by an unilaterally undemocratic law completed the illegal annexation by integrating the people of Bonaire in the Dutch Constitution under unequal rights, degrading them to second class citizens a new form of apartheid in the Dutch Kingdom and world. The Bonaire people are since then being governed in a status not of their choosing, under unequal rights, in a status that they overwhelmingly rejected in the 2015 referendum with a decisive No vote.

Our foundation We Want Bonaire Back consistent continued awareness campaigns paid off, and stood strong, as the Bonaire people did not listen did not follow the manipulative media campaigns and these leaders that can be considered traitors of their own people. The Bonaire people stand their ground and rescued their dignity, as over 77% of the electorate protested with this No-vote action against Dutch invasion and occupation of Bonaire.

We Want Bonaire Back will continue to work diligently in our trajectory of Relist Bonaire on the Non- Self- governing territories of the United Nations.

James Finies – Foundation We Want Bonaire Back