Minister of Education drs. Samuel visited the National Institute of Professional Advancement



CAYHILL, Sint Maarten — The Honorable Minister of Education, Culture, Youth & Sports , drs. Samuel, together with his delegation, visited the National Institute of Professional Advancement ( NIPA) on Monday, February 8, 2021. As stated by the Minister during the visit – this orientation visit was planned since November 2020, but was delayed due to the developments in education due to the impact of the pandemic caused by the COVID 19 virus.

The orientation visit was led by the NIPA Supervisory Board of Directors, and key persons in the institute. The Minister and his delegation received a hands on tour of the skills lab – including the automotive lab, AC / Refrigeration lab, ICT lab, Electrical installation lab and the Carpentry area . Drs. Samuel was able to interact with many students , and discussed with them their experience at the NIPA. He was also able to visit the new School of Nursing cohort and the simulation lab area , which is currently under construction. The visit culminated with a tour of the culinary and hospitality  area , where students served mixed drinks and hors d’oeuvres to the guests.

During the visit, the Minister and his delegation took the opportunity to meet with the Supervisory Board of Directors and Management to discuss various issues , critical to the institution. Discussions on expansion of the Campus, the Strategic Plan and the way ahead for technical vocational education in the COVID 19 era , were some of the topics elaborated upon.

Minister Samuel expressed his gratitude for the orientation and gave his support for the leadership and team members of the NIPA.