MP Heyliger-Marten calls on others to be like GEBE



PHILIPSBURG– Member of Parliament, the Honorable Grisha Heyliger-Marten, has echoed her strong support for the initiative by NV GEBE who recently launched its “Senior Citizens Utility Relief Program, 2021” and encourages other businesses to offer their versions of relief.

On Sunday the MP issued a press release in which she has also called on other businesses to join NV GEBE and provide some form of relief for our Senior Citizens. A strong advocate for senior citizens’ care and protection, Heyliger-Marten said GEBE’s initiative is a testament to their continued dedication and commitment to providing financial relief for the seniors.

The program which was started in 2014 offers eligible Senior Citizens on St. Maarten a reduction in their Utility Bills.

Heyliger-Maren says it should not go without notice that the Utility Company has suffered loss as well. With the closure of several businesses on St. Maarten as a direct result of the Corona Virus COVID-19 Global Pandemic, NV GEBE would have seen a reduction in its consumers. “We are all feeling the financial strain from this Global Pandemic, and that is why, it is important that larger companies, both Government owned and those in Private Sector, must work together to find ways of providing relief.”

“Businesses should also consider relief for single mothers,” said Heyliger-Marten. There are so many people suffering, and we have to reach deep within ourselves to find ways of helping each other.

She said, “Everyone will have to do their part to make sure that we can ‘bounce back better’ for us to survive this difficult time in our lives. We will all be needed to rebuild our economy after COVID-19.