CPS to Pilot Antigen Tests on Monday December 21


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten —
The Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (VSA), Richard Panneflek hereby informs the public that Collective Prevention Services (CPS) will be offering a drive through community testing pilot in Point Blanche at the lot before the harbor from 10 AM – 12 PM on Monday 21 December.

The pilot antigen testing campaign is for: persons experiencing signs and symptoms of COVID-19, and persons who have been in close contact with a confirmed case and not already registered by CPS. Testing is free; however, there is a limited supply of 60 antigen tests. CPS therefore advises the public to come out only if you are eligible.

If you are symptomatic and would like to get tested, please bring a form of photo identification so that you can be properly registered with CPS before testing.

You are not required to call 914 to pre-register, just come to the drive through testing facility.