Michael Ferrier: Know Better? Do Better. Most of the questions you ask, you should ask yourself or the same people you endorse:
1. Fix the potholes in our roads.
Perhaps if you paid the NAF 1.4 million you owe to the government we wouldn’t have an issue of potholes. You really think people forgot about this, and you begging the Council of Ministers back then to right it off?
2. Get more control over COVID19 by using mass testing, tracking and tracing.
The school children saying you were part of a sales pitch to try and cut a deal to do mass testing.
3. Finalize repairs of SXM residents’ house-roofs damaged bu Huricane IRMA in 2017.
Perhaps you should ask Melissa Gumbs to ask her father Marcel Gumbs what the hold up is with the €500 million. Its been 3 years!
I’m sure he has been comfortably collecting a salary all this time though.
4. Tell us about their efforts to repair our schools and re- arrange our educational system, so all the students now left behind can receive a decent education.
Hasn’t the same Sarah you are endorsing not been part of most governments? Wasn’t she commissioner of education?
5. Introduce the Minister of TEATT’s ideas to stimulate the economy.
Glad to see you think the ideas are good. Why is it when your people are in government there is no rush to have anything get done?
6. Fast -track the repairs and refurbishment of the SXM-airport (PJIA) with the highest degree of urgency, so it can be fully operational by the start of Winter Season 2021.
Parliament has brought Mingo in to get to the bottom of the situation at the airport. I think some of the same ones you endorse weren’t too keen on him being brought to parliament.
7. Find stimulus funding to offer moms and pops the opportunity to re-start their small and medium sized businesses that were destroyed by IRMA and the PANDEMIC.
Again perhaps you can ask Melissa Gumbs to ask her father Marcel Gumbs what is going on with the €500 million. It’s been 3 years! His salary is comfortably secured though.
8. Reach agreement with the Kingdom Government, who (up to now) seem to be the only “real game in town” when looking for guilders, euro’s, dollars and cents to keep us afloat.
The only real game in town you say? You mean the only choice that they are forcing us to have. Why not allow us the freedom to look elsewhere?
Did you reach an agreement with the St.Maarten government to pay the NAF 1.4 million that you owe yet?
P.S Don’t wish me a Happy SXM day until you pay the money you owe SXM. #GoPay!!!
Charles F. Richardson