Minister Lee commemorates World Health Day 2019 



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — On April 7th, 2019 countries around the world join with the World Health Organization (WHO) in acknowledgment of this year’s World Health Day theme: Universal Health Coverage. According to WHO, billions of people around the world still do not have access to health care. In addition, the level of care depends on what they can afford.

On Sint Maarten, we should not be in denial that these “world” issues are not our own. As Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, I see the opportunities for improving the conditions of our current health care system. I believe that equal access to equitable health care is real opportunity and can be achieved by Health Care Reform for our country.

The Ministry of VSA is committed to see that our residents can find a fair balance in their daily lives, without having to be forced to choose between health care and daily expenses. Our Health Care Reform platform addresses access to quality care close to home, improving access and knowledge on preventive care, pharmaceutical costs and compliance and equal access to health insurance that allows everyone the same level of care, in the form of General Health Insurance coverage.

As Minister, I believe without a doubt that the access to health care in our community is a basic human right and a right that we as a community should stand behind. These issues and discussions are not about politics, it is about our wellbeing as individuals and as a community, as country, especially in the rebuilding – the building back better journey, that we are on.

The Ministry of VSA will continue to be a champion for change in the health care system of our country and we are here to serve you, the residents of Sint Maarten. In commemoration of World Health Day, and the days ahead, residents are encouraged to continue to reach out