The Electoral Council first update for 2019



Philipsburg, St Maarten — The Electoral Council recently moved to its new offices on Charles Voges Street 7 in Philipsburg. In the past year, the Electoral Council has made several decisions that were published in the National Gazette.

By virtue of Article 22 of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties, the Electoral Council is required to delete the registered reference to be placed above the list of candidates of a political party if the party failed to submit a list of candidates for the last parliamentary election.

The United People’s Party Association, The Democratic Party of Sint Maarten and the One St. Maarten People Party, which have been registered with the Electoral Council, did not participate in the 2018 parliamentary elections.

Consequently, by Decision No. 2/2018, Decision No. 3/2018 and Decision No. 4/2018, respectively, the Electoral Council has deleted the reference UP of the political party The United People’s Party Association, the reference DP of the political party The Democratic Party of Sint Maarten and the reference O.S.P.P. of the political party One St. Maarten People Party, from the register of references.

In accordance with Article 22, of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties, the Electoral Council decides to cancel registration of a political party upon its request. Two political parties requested to cancel the registration of their respective parties due to inactivity of the political parties. Subsequently, the registration of the political parties Helping Our People Excel Association and Millennial Advancement Party have been cancelled by Decision No. 1/2018 and Decision No. 1/2019, respectively.

Based on Article 25 of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties, an interested party may file an appeal against these Decisions with the Court in First Instance no later than the sixth day following the date of publication of these Decisions in the National Gazette.

All involved political parties have been informed of the aforementioned by the Electoral Council Decisions.