Traffic accident one injured



COLE BAY, Sint Maarten (KPS) — The Police Traffic Department is presently investigating a serious traffic accident which took place on Monday January 7th at approximately 12.30 a.m. and the A.J.C. Brouwers road in the vicinity of the Osbourne Kruythoff round about in Cole Bay.

According to the traffic report a private vehicle with license plate P-7353 was traveling on the A. J. C. Brouwers road at high speed in the direction of the Kruythoff round about. A trailer truck with license plate Z-44 was traveling in the opposite direction. The driver of the private vehicle at one point lost control of the vehicle and collided head-on with the trailer truck. As a result of the collision the driver of the private vehicle suffered a fractured left arm. The passenger did not suffer any injuries.

Directly after exiting the private vehicle it caught fire. The vehicle as a result hereof was completely destroyed. The Fire department came to the scene and put the fire out. The injured driver was treated on the scene and then taken to the Sint Maarten Medical Center for further treatment.



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