SXMNBA Mega Lotto Basketball Tournament Jan 27 2019



Philipsburg, Sint Maarten — On Sunday, January 27th 2019 the SXMNBA hosted their first “Mega Lotto Basketball Tournament”, which was held at the L.B Scott Sports Auditorium and was deemed a great success.

Eleven teams hailing from both sides of the island competed for the title and the $500 cash prize sponsored by Mega Lotto. The event was split into 2 categories; the under 18 and the over 18.

The under 18 teams, although weren’t competing for the cash prize, gave their all with the hopes of capturing the title of “champions” for their category. It was a tough battle with the Phoenix beating out SXM Buckets with a final score of 22 to 19; Phoenix showed discipline under pressure and played well as a team and were coached by Dede Michelet.

Special thanks to all teams in the under 18 category namely; Rebels, Green Hill, Pelicans, Phoenix, SXM Buckets for coming out and giving their best.

U18 winners

Kuzan Simmons, Christopher Campana, Odelio Chittick, Joqwab Leblanc, Aldon Conner, Jerordy Conner, Keyshawn Richardson, Mael Guillaune

While the over 18 featured Dream Chasers, Blazers, Pelicans, Harbor Heat, Legacy and Kings.

There were many close games going into overtime, but at the end, it came down to the undefeated Kings vs Legacy, with Kings’ player Dede Michelet, hitting a huge 3 point shot, breaking a tied score with no time remaining on the clock, the Kings took the victory over Legacy 23 to 20

18+ winners

Alain Duzant, Dede Michelet, Teddy Derby, Aymerlec Benchemant, Luiz Polanco, Clayon Reece, Guillermo Lewis, Reginald Bryan

Herbert “Prince” Martina, the event commentator said, “they moved the ball around the court well and played solidly as a team that’s how you win”, when commenting on the performance of the winning team.

Herbert Martina

Off the court, there were over 300 fans, young and old enjoying the entertaining 18 basketball games while eating their hot wings and fries and listening to DJ Shampoopoo with his epic beats.

DJ Shampoopoo

Included in the festivities was a raffle for 3 prizes: a vFit Track Watch from Adolphus Richardson Technologies, an HP Wireless Printer from Keijzer Computer Systems and a 50” Sharp Smart TV from Mega Lotto which was won by Micheilla Duporte

TV winner Micheilla Duporte

We asked the Mega Lotto team what they thought about the event “We really enjoyed the event, it was well run and we like to see everyone coming together to have fun, we are proud to be involved with helping Youth basketball development in St Maarten and look forward to many more events like this.”

Well done to Alex Ferdinand and his team at the SXMNBA who ran this event and its many sponsors; Mega Lotto, Marsea Services N.V., STM N.V, Prof-Pac, KK-Travels & Tours, Principle Accounting & Consulting Services B.V., Henderson Insurances, Main Road Construction, D-Boat, Carl & Son’s Unique Bakery, MNA Distributors Auto Parts & Accessories, Color-Rite Copy Center, SXM Cigars, Grande Smokers Lounge, Adolphus Richardson Technology, Keijzer Computer Systems N.V., Windward Islands Bank, Central Bank, Gas King, Sint Maarten Red Cross

Stay tuned for more SXMNBA – Mega Lotto Tournaments as it Pays to Play.

1 U18 Rebels 19 vs Pelicans 16  
2 18+ Dream Chasers 35 vs Pelicans 22 OT  
3 U18 Phoenix 22 vs Green Hill 14  
4 18+ Kings 21 vs Legacy 19  
5 U18 Rebels 12 vs SxM Buckets 17  
6 18+ Dream Chasers 30 vs Blazers 27  
7 U18 Green Hill 26 vs Pelicans 14  
8 18+ Harbor Heat 18 vs Kings 31  
9 U18 Phoenix 27 vs SxM Buckets 23  
10 18+ Legacy 26 vs Blazers 25  
11 U18 Rebels 21 vs Green Hill 25  
12 18+ Pelicans 23 vs Harbor Heat 27  
13 U18 SxM Buckets 14 vs Green Hill 11 Semi Finals U18
14 18+ Dream Chasers 29 vs Kings 33 OT  
15 18+ Legacy 21 vs Harbor Heat 16  
16 U18 Phoenix 22 vs SxM Buckets 19 Finals U18
17 18+ Dream Chasers 21 vs Legacy 23 Semi Finals 18+
18 18+ Kings 23 vs  Legacy 20 Finals 18+

SXMNBA 2019 Upcoming Events:

March – SXMNBA Basketball Academy

March – SXM vs EUX U13

May – 2019 SXMNBA Regular Season

May –  U18 Inter-Island Tournament

July – SXMNBA Basketball Camp

August – 2nd Annual SXMNBA Business Tournament

And much more to come!