CARILEC Focuses on Linesman Training, Prepares to Stage Annual Linesman Symposium and Rodeo



CASTRIES, St. Lucia,  The Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation (CARILEC) continues to work with utilities to support them in capacity building and training for linesmen in the region.

In November CARILEC supported The Grenada Electricity Services Ltd. (GRENLEC) in the staging of its Linesman Certification at Journeyman and Level 1 to certify linesmen currently employed with them. The certification exercise was executed by CARILEC Full Member, the Jamaica Public Service Company Ltd.’s (JPS) Training and Development Manager, Arturo Carricate.

Then, on December 3, 2018 it supported the St. Lucia Electricity Services Ltd. (LUCELEC) in the staging of its Linesman Certification –Level 1 to certify linesmen currently employed with the utility. Training in high voltage work and certification exercise was executed by CARILEC Associate Member, Institute for Safety in Powerline Construction (ISPC) whose mission is to advocate for safety in powerline construction and maintenance.

Linesmen work with thousands of volts of electricity, keeping the power flowing to our homes and businesses each and every day under all types of conditions including adverse conditions in the aftermath of a hurricane. It is a high risk profession, requiring continuous professional development and strict adherence to safety rules. As such, CARILEC plays a pivotal role in supporting the utilities in capacity building programmes for its Linesmen through its four- year training programme developed and designed for the continuous development of Line workers.

CARILEC continues to focus on improving and facilitating world class electricity services for the people of the region and is pleased to support its full member utilities in the professional development of their technicians, building expertise, creating careers and protecting communities. CARILEC’s annual Linesman Symposium and Rodeo under the theme:

“Caribbean Linesmen Creating Connections: Strengthening Communities” returns on 15th – 20th April, 2019 in St. Kitts and Nevis in collaboration with the St. Kitts Electricity Company (SKELEC). To learn more about the multi-day event contact the Training Department at [email protected].