Parliaments meeting week schedule for the week of Nov 5-9, 2018.




Monday, November 5, 2018 OV 08



9.00 Repercussions of the verdict by the European Court of Human Rights in the Corallo case for the country St. Maarten and the Ministry of Justice of St. Maarten (IS/191/2018-2019 dated October 12, 2018)

(This meeting was requested by MP T.E. Heyliger, MP C.E. Brownbill and MP S.M. BIjlani)

Tuesday, November 6, 2018 CC 08



15.00 Presentation Annual Report 2017 of the Social Economic Council (IS/058/2018-2019 dated September 17, 2018) SER
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 CLU 02 11.00
  1. Approval Decision lists CLU meetings no. 1, 2 and 3 (Parliamentary Year 2017-2018) and no. 1 (Parliamentary Year 2018-2019)
  2. Presentation Annual report of the General Audit Chamber 2017(IS/721/2017-2018 dated June 22, 2018)
General Audit Chamber
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 OV 09



  1. The Kingdom Charter and right of St. Maarten to a full measure of self-government in compliance with the Charter of the United Nations(IS/150/2018-2019 dated October 4, 2018)


(This agenda point was requested by S.E. Jacobs, MP W.V. Marlin and MP E.J. Doran)

  1. Advice concerning the honourable discharge of the current Ombudsman
  2. Advice concerning the appointment of the new Ombudsman
  3. Advice concerning proposal introduction Regulation staff cabinet of the President of Parliament
Thursday, November 8, 2018 OV 4 (Heroproeping) 15.00 1. Incoming documents

2. Approval Decision Lists Public Meetings Parliamentary Year 2017-2018 no. 22 and Parliamentary Year 2018-2019 no. 1, 3 and 5

3. Ontwerp van Landsverordening tot wijziging van de Landsverordening administratieve rechtspraak (IS/597/2014-2015 d.d. 2 april 2015) (ZJ 2014-2015-062)

Friday, November 9, 2018 CAZ 04



9.30 Debriefing CAZ 02 work visit: Tour hurricane shelters
Friday, November 9, 2018 CC 09 (urgent)



11.00 The current financial status of SZV and the revenue losses since the passing of hurricanes Irma and Maria (IS/116/2018-2019 dated September 26, 2018)

(This meeting was requested by MP L.F.E. Mercelina, MP F.A. Meyers and MP C.A.H. Peterson)

Friday, November 9, 2018 Continuation OV 02 (urgent) 15.00 1. Status of the schools for the school year 2018/2019, particularly the shortage of teachers, preparedness for the 2018 hurricane season, the safety Emergency Management Committee and the Emergency Guidelines for schools, the School Bus Policy, and the Implementation Plan

2. The state of sports and arts facilities and programs in Sint Maarten

(IS/872/2017-2018 dated August 22, 2018)

(This meeting was requested by MP S.E. Jacobs, MP W.V. Marlin and MP A.M.R. Irion)