Queries by President of Parliament trigger consultation with hotel property owners by Ministers of St. Maarten Government.



Philipsburg, St. Maarten,  – Over the past weeks several timeshare owners have sent emails to President of Parliament, MP Wescot-Williams regarding the rebuilding of the Towers at Mullet Bay.

These persons registered their concerns with the Member of Parliament as they were not receiving any communication regarding the rebuilding of the property in which they have timeshare rights. MP Wescot-Williams stated that a “positive line through most of the emails, was the desire of the timeshare owners to return to the island as soon as possible.”

These concerns were relayed to the Government of St. Maarten with the urgent request to establish contact with the property owners to get an idea of the status of affairs. Acting Prime Minister Honorable Wycliffe Smith subsequently informed MP Wescot-Williams of the consultation he had with the management of the Towers and the management’s initiatives to inform timeshare holders of the status of the rebuilding.

“I was equally pleased to learn of the visits to different properties by Ministers Smith and Johnson and I propose to Government that this be done with all hotel properties. Government must take a more hands-on approach with the principal stakeholders in rebuilding our economy as without dialogue we will all be moving in different and uncoordinated directions.” Wescot-Williams further stated.